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De chli Drache Kokosnuss chunt id Schuel

​スイスドイツ語 | Swiss German

Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss ist furchtbar aufgeregt: Heute ist ein wichtiger Tag! Heute geht er zum ersten Mal in die Schule! Mit einer großen, bunten Schultüte in der kleinen Drachenhand und begleitet von Mama und Papa, folgt er den ABC-Schützen zu Lehrer Kornelius Kaktus.

(Drache Kokosnuss Website)









絵本については、ドイツの絵本"Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss"の訳本。


The book I bought in a small bookstore in Bern.

I had been looking for a book in Swiss German, so I bought it instantly.

Even though called German, Swiss German is so different from

the High German (German in Germany) in terms of grammar and pronunciation that people from Germany cannot understand.

Swiss from German part (like Zurich or Bern) are bilingual in Swiss German and High German, and people speak High German in an official occasion or on TV, so publications in Swiss German are very rare.

As for the book, this is a Swiss German version of a well-known German children's book "Der Kleine Drache Kokosnuss". A small dragon Coconut goes to the school for the first time.

Les plus beaux secrets de Noël

フランス語 | French

Chère petit curieuse, cher petit curieux,

Je me présente : je m'appelle Barnabé Barbekipik, et je suis un lutin. Mais attention : pas n'importe lequel. Je suis le secrétaire en chef du Père Noël !

Du haut de mes 17 672 ans, je connais tous les secrets du Père Noël et je sais comment faire de Noël un spectacle magique et une fête merveilleuse !

Accompagne-moi dans mes missions secrètes et tu vivras le plus beau des Noëls !

(From the book)





A book I bought in Lausanne.

I yielded to temptation of Christmas and bought this.

But it was a book from France, not Switzerland. Shame on me.

A dwarf who is the secretary of Santa Clause will guide us to many places like Santa's gift factory or his post office and tell us the secrets of Christmas.

Il Nonno marronaio / Nonno der Marronimann

イタリア語&ドイツ語 | Italian & German

Nonno der Marronimann ist eine wahre Geschichte, die erzählt, wie damals Emigranten aus Italien nach Norden zogen, um den Lebensunterhalt zu sichern. Auf der langen Reise erleben sie natürlich einiges, bis der Nonno seine beliebten Marroni anbieten kann.

(Neptun Verlag Website)






An Italian-German bilingual book I bought in Lugano.

Very suitable as a book from Canton of Ticino where Italian and German are both designated as the official languages.

As for the content, it is about a chestnut seller Nonno who moved from Italy to Switzerland and built up his living there gradually.

La Naivera - La Cufla Gronda

ロマンシュ語 | Romansh

Damaun è la schlittada ed Uorsin prepara la scarsola. Flurina stuess ir en vischnanca per ina bella chadaina cun franzas da mangola. Sin il viadi enavos bischi dentant talmain, ch’ella perda la via. Per fortuna vegn Uorsin, ses frar, e la gida or da questa situaziun difficila.

(Grisun Website)









A book I bought in St. Moritz.

My first objective in St. Moritz is to buy a Romansh book, so I'm satisfied.

Romansh language is a minority language spoken in Canton of Graubünden and one of the official languages of Switzerland. However, only 0.5% of the total population in the country speak this language, and moreover, almost all Romansh speakers are bilingual in German. There are not many occasions to use this language, so it is said to be on the verge of endangerment.

I have no idea about the story (All are in Romansh, so please tell me if you know the content). The author is a Romansh writer Selina Chönz.

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