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Nanas para leer en la cama
スペイン語 | Spanish
From Jeesoo
Duérmete tú y duerme a tus muñecos con estas preciosas nanas que te cuenta Gloria Fuertes. Duerme también con sus versos a los monstruos y animales que estén despiertos, a la gata Chundarata o al lirón Careto, al mono bonito o incluso ¡al Coco!
(Casa del Libro Website)
My friend Jeesoo bought me this as a souvenir from Spain.
This book contains some stories by Gloria Fuertes, a writer from Madrid.
Guía de ciudades
スペイン語 | Spanish
I bought this book in Barcelona.
It is not at all a book originally from Spain, but sold worldwide.
There are many beautiful illustrations inside, that's why I bought.
La Meva Primera Història de Catalunya
カタルーニャ語 | Catalan
La meva primera història de Catalunya vol donar una visió general i clara de l'evolució històrica del país fent referència als moments més significatius. La meva primera història de Catalunya és un llibre d'Editorial Molino dut a terme amb la complicitat del Museu d'Història de Catalunya. Pretén introduir als més petits les primeres nocions sobre la història del país.
(Agapea Factory Website)
This book is also from Barcelona.
The history of Catalonia is described from the Stone Age.
As seen from the independent movement,
we can see the strong Catalan identity from this book as well.
What Life was Like in La Alhambra
英語 | English
La Alhambra is a palatial Medieval Arab city which has remained astonishingly intact to the present day. It is a marvelous and unique site which was not always as we know it, but... can you imagine what it might have been like to visit it at the end of the Middle Ages?
To stroll inside its walls, know its peoples, sneak into one of the sultan's private quarters?.This book will help you understand what life was like in La Alhambra during the 14th Century. Discover between this book's flaps what the interiors of the towers or its bathing facilities were like back then. Submerge yourself in an ancient culture that has left us a one-and-only legacy.
(La Alhambra Website)
A book from the Alhambra Palace in Granada.
I wanted to understand the content, so I bought an English version.
As the title suggests, we will see how people were living in the Palace.
バスク語 | Basque
From Leire
Ilartxo es un niño muy pequeño; tanto que su vida está condicionada por su tamaño diminuto: utiliza los zapatos de sus muñecos, duerme en una caja de cerillas… Y no puede jugar con una pelota de baloncesto o tocar la flauta, porque son objetos enormes para él. Pero nada impide a Ilartxo hacer grandes cosas y convertirse un gran artista.
(Ibaizabal Website)
My friend Leire brought this book back from Bilbao.
A very very very precious book in Basque language!
A tiny tiny Ilartxo is having a hard time living a normal life because of his size.
Everything is quite hard for him to do, but finally he finds a dream job as an artist.
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